
RAS has successfully provided Foreclosure creditors’ rights representation to its clients since its inception and consistently exhibits industry-leading compliance standards and exceeds client performance expectations.  RAS understands that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to foreclosures.  Your Attorney needs to know his or her cases and identify opportunities for resolution through the use of different methods.  On a monthly basis, RAS will provide each client with a uniquely tailored status report that provides details as to where each case is currently pending and which items are currently delaying the foreclosure timeline.

Additionally, senior management and firm attorneys pride themselves in their litigation experience.  RAS Litigation Attorney Managers have on average over 20 years of legal experience.  Overall, all litigation attorneys on staff have on average over 10 years experience.

Our staff has been successful from the Local Courts through the Appellate Courts, from routine legal matters to complex litigation. RAS recognizes the need to protect our Clients before litigation arises, thus every attempt is made to resolve as many issues as possible short of litigation. We are skilled in the art of creative problem resolution. Prior to any complex litigation, we will provide you with a written budget detailing the expected services to be performed and the corresponding costs to you for those services. When appropriate, we will also evaluate the case and prepare a written case analysis. We believe that by this procedure you can select a strategy that meets your needs. Further, it allows you to understand the direction and control the costs of anticipated litigation. We understand the importance of trust and reliability which is why our clients have direct contact with our attorneys and can rely on our attorneys to be approachable, responsive, and knowledgeable.